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Bookings for cultural, culinary travels surge ahead of Spring Festival

International Intricacies news portal2024-06-03 21:24:10【style】2People have gathered around

IntroductionAs the countdown to the Spring Festival continues, China is experiencing a surge in advance bookings

As the countdown to the Spring Festival continues, China is experiencing a surge in advance bookings for travel and culinary adventures.

Data from Meituan and Dianping, two popular Chinese review and rating platforms, shows that advance bookings for travel-related experiences have skyrocketed, marking a remarkable sevenfold increase compared to the previous year.

From the bustling metropolises of Beijing and Shanghai to the scenic destinations of Sanya, Harbin, Chongqing, Chengdu, Guangzhou, Xi'an, Xishuangbanna and Beihai, these destinations have risen to prominence as the top 10 choices for holidaymakers.

In particular, snow resorts and hot springs in various regions are expected to see their highest visitor numbers of the year during the Spring Festival. Harbin in Heilongjiang province remains a popular choice, ranking fourth in the country and providing winter cultural experiences for many visitors from the south of the country.

The major source cities for tourism to Harbin include Beijing, Shanghai, Shenzhen, Guangzhou and Hangzhou, indicating a lively exchange of travelers among these cities during the festive season.

Beyond tourism, the culinary scene is taking center stage as January unfolds, with travel platforms seeing a surge in searches and bookings for "Chinese New Year's Eve dinner." Data from Meituan shows a remarkable 40 percent increase in searches, with the volume of restaurant table reservations on New Year’s Eve more than tripling last year’s figures.

Amid the vibrant preparations for Spring Festival, the convergence of travel and culinary tourism is creating an atmosphere of excitement and anticipation, promising memorable celebrations for the Chinese New Year.

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